Open Form or Browse Layout


The Open Form or Browse Layout action opens a form or browse.


  1. Make a selection in the Open Form or Browse Layout? field. The choices are:

    • "Form"

    • "Browse"

  2. Optionally, check the Only show Layouts for current Table/Set to filter the list of layouts.

  3. In the Layout Name list:

    • 1. Optionally, select one of the listed forms or browses.

    • 2. Optionally, select "" if you would like the user to select the form or browse to open.

  4. If you selected "", select a value in the When prompting, show layouts from field. The options are:

    • "Another Table/Set"

    • "Current Table/Set"

  5. If you selected "Another Table/Set", pick a table or set from the Select Table/Set Name list.

  6. Display the Options tab.

  7. Select a window style from the Window Style list. The options are:

    • "Normal-(form opens as a standard Modeless window)". This opens the layout just as you would from the Control Panel. It can be moved to the background.

    • "Dialog-(form opens as a Modal window)". This opens the layout modally, the user must close the form before doing something else.

    • "Hidden,Normal-(form is hidden until a subsequent command activates it)".

    • "Hidden,Dialog-(form is hidden until a subsequent command activates it as modal)". Actions after this one will continue to execute until you issue a Show Window action to display the hidden dialog. At that point, the script will pause until the dialog is closed.

  8. If this form or browse has previously been opened, choose whether to:

    • "Switch to the previously opened Form or Browse window"

    • "Open a new instance of the Form or Browse"

  9. Make a selection in the Position field. Options are:

    • "Default - use position defined in the Layout"

    • "Override - use position defined here"

  10. If you selected "Override", set values in the X (horizontal) and Y (vertical) fields. The options are:

    • X (horizontal) : "Left", "Center", "Right", "Fill", pixel coordinate

    • Y (vertical) : "Top", "Center", "Bottom", "Fill", pixel coordinate

  11. Optionally, display the Advanced tab. as the tab explains, you should not make any changes here unless you have a specific reason for doing so. The pointer required to write Xbasic code that reads or writes form or browse values or properties.

  12. Optionally, change the pointer name in the Pointer field.

  13. Optionally, change the scope of the pointer variable. Scope controls what other scripts can use this pointer.

    • "Session" means that all the other scripts on the window you opened will have access to the variable.

    • "Global" will allow any script running, even from another form, to access this pointer.

  14. Click Next >.

  15. Optionally, specify the record selection criteria to apply in addition to those defined in the layout. Note that you can specify to enter a new record.

  16. Click Next >.

  17. Optionally modify the comment that describes the action.

  18. Click Finish.

See Also